

Saturday, September 18, 2010

FILTER! Me on the Radio, LOTS of Videos, etc.

I've been waiting to do another Filter update so I could share this with everyone! I got the pleasure of talking to Filter on the radio and now you can listen to it! If you're a diehard Filter fan, you can listen to the whole 90-minute show. You can hear me call in right around the 45-minute mark. I just want to point out that it was 2 a.m. my time, so I was half awake and also nervous to actually speak with Richard Patrick! And I've always been known for my giggle, but wow, I giggle a lot hahaha. It's funny when you go back and listen to yourself...But anyway, I'm calling it my 3 minutes of fame. The guys were super nice to me and it was definitely a fun moment for me!

Another few updates, Filter is currently in Kuwait to perform for the troops. Also, yesterday evening I heard they were at Dulles airport for a short while to change planes. So they were only about an hour drive away from me! Unfortunately there was no on-the-spot, personal Filter concert on the tarmac haha.

Oh and they shot a video for "Fades Like a Photograph" to be released as the first European single. Then when they return from Kuwait, they are supposed to be shooting a video for the second US single, "No Love."

I want to give a special shout out to Lauren here. She not only referred to me in her awesomely written Filter article (I was one of the fans discussing religion on Richard Patrick's facebook wall), but she also gave me a personal shout out again later for supporting music. I think she is a very talented chic and a very genuine person. We may even have an idea of a future project together someday...
Defy Authority Article by Lauren Rothman

Look, listen, love!

Photo by Harry Reese

Fades Like a Photograph Video Shoot

Mika Fineo

Rob Patterson

Phil Buckman

Richard Patrick
(Not sure about the missing arm, but I'm thinking he's fading like a photograph, similar to Back to the Future)


The Phenomenologists Filter Fan Page

Music Review album review

The Aquarian Interview

Frantikmag Interview

Music Review Interview

Losanjealous Roxy Concert Review

Mars Attacks Interview