

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Soldiers of Misfortune: Filter FALSELY associated with Aurora shooting by dumb blogger

THIS has really gotten under my skin. Some blogger, who has a free blog on wordpress, just like I have a free blog right here on blogger, has accused one of my favorite bands, Filter, of being associated with the Aurora shooter.

The only thing I regret about posting this, is giving this ignoramus more views on his blog. But he's practicing his freedom of speech, so right back at ya!
The inaccurate blog posting by this dummy.

I posted a comment on his blog to correct his inaccurate assumptions in an attempt to develop a conspiracy theory, but he deleted my comment. So let me post my ACCURATE report on the internet to counteract your BS sir.

Here is what my comment said: I don’t know what that DVD is but it is NOT related to the music video of the Filter song “Soldiers of Misfortune.” Filter wrote that song and that entire album “Anthems for the Damned” in 2008 as a remembrance of one of their fans/friends who died in the war. They are anti-war/pro-troops. The video’s symbolism is obviously referencing the war being based on oil. It has NOTHING to do with this psycho who killed people in a movie theater. You just turned something that was a eulogy to a friend into something horrible and you’re totally wrong. Check your facts before you throw this crap out on the internet. I just saw Filter LAST NIGHT and right before they performed this song live, they said just what I have said here, that it was for a friend/fan who was killed in the war and they were against war but for the troops. Does anyone LIKE soldiers being killed in war? You need to take this down.

Hey look, here's that stupid paintball movie that the shooter had--NOTHING to do with Filter. 
Derder Soldiers of Misfortune Paintball Movie 
And here's a description of the movie: "Soldiers of Misfortune takes you into the life of Hybrid Technologies "Contract Killers."  Hybrid has taken considerable time and effort to assemble a group of paintballers notorious for their unique style and personas."

Oh and look! I just also found a book by the same title! Again, NOTHING to do with FILTER. Soldiers of Misfortune: Washington's Secret Betrayal of American POWs in the Soviet Union

Look I'm a big fancy pants legitimate reporter now because I can google stuff on the internet and pretend that everything with the same phrase in it is uber connected and a big conspiracy. Whoopdee DOO! You don't know nuthin fool!

Now, why don't you intelligent people out there go buy this Filter album that has nothing to do with this crap, and check out some meaningful, emotional music: Filter "Anthems for the Damned"

Might I add that Filter went to the middle east personally to perform for the troops 3 times during the war. If this guy had looked into ANYthing, he would have realized how ridiculous this is.

I have not found any proof anywhere else that the shooter listened to Filter's song or watched their music video. It is completely unrelated.

But this isn't the first time Filter has faced false controversy. Their first hit single in 1995 "Hey Man, Nice Shot" was met with rumors about it being written about Kurt Cobain. These rumors were also incredibly untrue. Richard Patrick wrote the song prior to Kurt Cobain's death. It was coincidence that it was released afterwards and people jumped to conclusions. 

Only positive thing is, I hope this draws more attention to Filter in a GOOD way. They're touring and working on a new album right now. Check them out, they're awesome.

And don't even get me started on the subject of movies or music causing killings like this...War, murder, violence, weapons and psychos were ALL going on way before movies were being made or music was protesting government. 

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